Thursday, May 19, 2011

Wants to sleep!

     For the past 4 nights (at least) I have not been able to sleep until at least 4 in the morning, all I can say to that is UGH! And just as I am getting to finally zonk out, Zackary wakes up ready for his first bottle of the night!!!

     Anyways, I have a lot on my mind the past few nights, from what God is doing in my life to how can I be a better mommy and wife, from is there a way I could have done our wedding better (that started tonight) to wonder what we plan on doing this weekend (except try to have a little bit of date).

     I am so ready for this not sleeping when I want to lay my head down and go to dream land. Then I pray that when I do it is sweet sleep and that I will have sweet dreams. Literally by the time I'm ready to be asleep, either my husband is getting up and getting ready for work or when he calls me to tell me he made it to work! 

     I am praying and hoping that this is not a trend that will last forever. I happen to like my sleep (maybe a little to much). I know that I'm in God's hands and that I will be able to sleep and get most of the sleep I need to function during the day. Honestly, I can't wait for this weekend so my husband can take over the night shifts with Zackary, funny thing is is when he is taking over Zackary tends to sleep better. I guess Zackary likes to have both of us around! Makes him feel comforted (Awww, I love my baby!). 

      I also have this nervousness going on too, I actually know what that is, that is, a week from today I have a cardiologist appointment. I know everything will be fine because God's got it! But still a little nerve racking. And I know that is what is causing the nervousness because everytime I think of it I get nervous, HA!

     Okay well I guess enough venting or whatever you want to call it. Plz pray that I will be able to get my sleep back on track and be able to sleep when I lay my head down on the pillow at night! And that my mind or anything for that matter does not keep me distracted, no matter what the case maybe! Thank you for the prayers in advance and I know they work! 

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