Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Go God

      Who knew that when I wanted to my little boy to be named "Zackary", when I was a little girl. I fell in love with the meaning of the name, which means: "God will remember." Never did I imagine that that saying would actually come to a reality.

       Where do I start? Well in October of 2010, the week of our first year of marriage, we found out we were expecting. Never have I felt such fear for myself let alone my unborn baby. See, I was born with a congenital heart defect in 1983, and the doctors kept telling my parents (as I grew up) that I should not have kids at all, because it could kill me. Well, the middle of October we went and made sure that the baby was fine (come to find out at that point I was about 24 weeks along already and our pastor's mom had said God hid him for a bit knowning what doctors would try to do and we knew that was not an option). Thank God that the baby was fine and the heartbeat was strong! We had our first (and only) ultrasound of our baby, really didn't expect to find out what we were having (by the way, the we I am referring to my husband and I) but my husband saw before I did that we were having a baby boy. I remember laying there in shock still first off to find out I was truly pregnant and looking at my baby on the screen and two our baby was a boy! I knew right off we had to pick Zackary, it was pressing on my heart to name him this. Thankfully my husband agreed! So, as I progressed in my pregnancy I only saw the OB one time at 25 weeks.
        Four days later, by this time I was 26 weeks along,  my husband had to work over night, well at 5:30 am he gets home and I'm having pain and I was just thinking it was my baby boy was laying on my bladder, and then all of a sudden I was bleeding heavily. Oh and by the way, Zackary would KICK (my strong boy). So, my husband rushed me to the nearest hospital cause by this time the bleeding got worse, come to find out the pain I was having was contractions, go figure. Well, my husband took me Lake Wales Medical Center in Lake Wales, FL where they do not deliever babies at all. I don't know what happened much after we got to the hospital I was pretty much losing so much blood they had trouble getting my blood pressure. When I first saw the blood, I knew it was not good and my first thought and scared thought was OH NO my baby. Well, never underestimate God, but at that moment I felt him Kick as hard as he normally did. Apparently, they kept up with the baby's heart rate at the hospital and everytime I heard it I thanked God.
         My husband in all of this was amazing. He would keep praying over me as long as he could be with me. He definitely stood in FAITH that day!  They ended up doing an emergency c-section. And on November 1st, 2010 at 9:57 am Zackary was born. We also gave him the middle name "Josiah" which means: "God will save". Who knew those two meanings would come in handy for our son.
         Well Zackary was flown to Tampa General Hospital in Tampa, FL where he stayed in the NICU there for 3 and half months. We have stood in prayer and stood in Faith and claimed things for him too, over this little one that yes, God remembered and saved!
          Love how Kenneth E Hagin said, "The bible says it, therefore I believe it, and that settles it." I look back 6 months ago and can't believe what my little family has come thru and God is so good and Amazing! He showed in a mighty way and is continuing to show that too!
          No matter your situation is, remember God is there, just lean on him and stand in what you are believing for, in my husband and I's case was our son and many other things in life!

SN: Zackary Josiah was born on his daddy's birthday. God is good and amazing! Zackary's daddy could add a lot more to what God did on that day! But this is our testament to how good our God is!

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