Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Expecting Great things...

     We are expecting great things in our house, and we are starting to see the results from it! 

     Since Zackary was born prematurely, we weren't sure what the outcome for development would be for him! Yes we stood on Faith (and still do to this day) that God would see us thru for this little one! And we knew he would! Lately, I have been praying over his development (maybe after he had been home for a few months did I start doing this). I would always pray that the doctors would be amazed and couldn't explain how far he has come a long. Don't get me wrong Zackary did not have any issues with brain development or any of that kind. Just wanted him to be on track with the other babies or beyond where he should be!

      Expecting these things to come to pass! I kept hearing to start expecting it to come together and work for good! Well, we ended up selling his swing (he no longer used it) and we bought him an exersaucer, we kinda thought he might still be to little for it. But expecting that he would do great in this exersaucer and God did not fail! We have the exersaucer for 3 weeks now and Zackary has made some leaps and bounds (by the way, I don't think the exersaucer did all this but God did, I do think it was our answer to help Zackary out). Our baby boy is learning to reach up and he is about ready to blow raspberries and he knows how to turn in his exersaucer. He actually scooted some on his belly. He is learning to roll over more!

     Now I don't know what the regular is for a baby to be at but I am believing and expecting that my son is developing the way he should be and beyond! And that God has it under control!

     Not only are we expecting great and mighty things for Zackary but in our lives in general! I am excited and yet I don't know what I'm excited about except God is still on the throne and holds it all! God is good and I can't deny that he is at work!!!

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