Tuesday, August 19, 2014

God is Faithful!

I know it has been a LONG time since I posted, but I was just thinking about God's Faithfulness!

Almost 4 years ago (did I really just put that?) my son made an interesting entrance into the world, just weighing at 2lbs 4oz. and about 13" long. He was born in a hospital where they didn't (and as far as I know) still don't! It was 10:57 when he came into the world and was helicopter flown to Tampa General Hospital to their Nicu!

Let's see, when we found out we were expecting him (and how all that went down is a very long story) we didn't know we were gonna have him til a month before he was born (actually found out on our first year of our wedding anniversary). Anyways, when we found out that we were expecting him. There was A LOT of fear and excitement at the sametime! I kept hearing God tell me that He's Got it! I look back at that now and I know I didn't realize what that really meant (Almost 4 years later I sure do now)! So, as parents to be we had to put FULL trust in God, that it was all up in his hands!

Thru out Zackary's time spent in the Nicu (about 3 1/2 months, we kept feeling that God still had it! They kept telling us in the Nicu to expect a roller coaster ride! I will say that we had our share of a roller coaster ride with Zackary but definitely not like what a lot of other parents in that Nicu experienced with their babies being there! God is Faithful! 

I know God put the nurses in the path to take good care of Zackary (even though we had one problem with one nurse and that she shouldn't have been taken care of him but that is over with now and he is fine, lol) from Nurses that we were able to minister to just by playing our music "praise and worship" that was meant for Zackary and how much they told us it brought them peace when they did their assessment on Zackary and how they liked the music (God thing, right there to nurses actually ministering to us (One night nurse, doubt she realized she did or not but she sure did) to a nurse speaking over Zackary with assurance and faith, example: Zackary was learning to finally take a bottle, he had to learn to suck, swallow, breathe. Which if he had been a newborn and born on time this would be no issue but since he was born so early he had to learn this, anyways I don't remember being frustrated with his first bottle feeding or just really excited because it was one of the first steps in getting out of the Nicu and take my baby home. But she walks in the room (I can still see it to this day) as I'm feeding him (basically checking on him) and don't me not to worry, once he gets this (bottle feeding) watch him take off, he won't be sick a day in his life after this! If that isn't speaking in Faith or into someone's life I don't know what is! God is Faithful!

(Zackary, first picture is him in the Nicu, days old and the second one is him now, almost 4, will be Nov 1.)
God is faithful! Zackary has only been sick twice in his almost 4 years of his life, since leaving the nicu on Feb 15th, 2011.

Zackary is now almost potty trained (still have some issues to work on but he will get it, I know he will) and it is not because of him being a preemie, he is stubborn LOL! He may be only 3 (almost 4) now but my goodness this kid is SMART! He says things that I know we hadn't taught him and says BIG BIG words! Oh yeah, Preemie's speech can be delayed because of development, not Zackary's! God is Faithful!

Zackary is and always has been a fighter, even the last moments I felt him in the womb, just before being born! And he has a very independent spirit about him, but wouldn't have it any other way! I have seen God work in his life since he was conceived basically! Zackary has a loving side, he loves to cuddle, and give hugs (when he isn't cranky) and kisses on the cheeks (lol). He loves Cars, Planes and Mickey Mouse! He almost takes any toy and makes them fly! We are starting to have him recognize his letters and hopefully spell his name soon!

I can't wait to see what God has in store for his life! I know it is BIG because God doesn't do things in small ways! God is Faithful and as he told us "He's Got it"!

Why am I telling you all this? Because as a mommy of an almost 4 year old, I can't imagine my life without him and How easy it could have been for him not to be here, but again God is Faithful! If nothing else to encourage you a bit and know that God's got you and your situation and he is Faithful! Just fully Trust him!

Oh my! I'm about to have a 4 year old in my home! Bring it on! Cause I know God has it all and working for the GOOD!