Thursday, December 22, 2011

Merry Christmas!

Well it is that time of year again! Christmas! And this year is very very special to Wayne and I! It is Zackary's first Christmas, well not really his First, but his first here at home!

Last year at this time, he was still at Tampa General Nicu! I don't think I'll ever forget Christmas Eve (maybe years later I will). On Christmas Eve, Wayne and I had planned on staying in Zackary's room in the Nicu just so we could be with him on Christmas Morning (we had to be back to Polk County to get together with my family for Christmas later on that day). As we had everything packed with us in the room and started getting settled in to spend the night with him in his room, I started not being able to relax, there was too much beeping going on and his stats were unstable at the time and I just knew it was gonna be A LONG LONG night if we stayed there!

I finally convinced Wayne that we should go to the Hotel (they had discounts for people who had someone in the hospital, and they were like 2 miles from the hospital), well as we packed up our stuff again and started heading out, Zackary ended up having Brady's (where the heart rate drops below 100). And of course that totally alarmed us! Wayne did not have peace at that time to leave him and I felt the same. The nurse did her assement to figure out why he was having these brady's and could not figure out what was wrong. She ended up calling the resident and they were gonna be on their way as soon as they were done with another baby at the time.

Well earlier that day, I was holding Zackary and his feeding tube had come out, I told his nurse at that time that it had come out and she put it back in. I kinda thought at the time that she put that in pretty quickly but only shrugged off as to "I"m sure she has done this several times". And let it go at that! Little did I know that that information and noticing that would pay off later.

Wayne and I went into the parent's lounge while the nurse did all she could for Zackary to find out why he was having a brady and we prayed that God would give us peace and guide the nurses hand as to what was going on with him. Suddenly as we got done praying, the event of the feeding tube being put in too fast was brought back to remembrance. I asked the nurse to step out of Zackary's room for a second and told her what had happened that day! And she went back in and pulled his feeding tube out and sure enough there was a curve in the tube that was not suppose to be there.

When she pulled it out Zackary's heart rate went back to where it was suppose to be right away. And he gave us a smile of relief like "HELLO, I've been trying to tell you that for awhile now!" After the nurse got the feeding tube back in there the RIGHT way. We felt at peace and knowing that God had it all along and we were able to leave the hospital with such relief and peace to go have a peaceful Christmas Eve. Oh yeah, we never did see the resident who was on call that night, didn't need to after we found out it was the feeding tube.

Boy what a Christmas we had last year! But you know what we have a normal healthy 13 month old now! Who is FULL of energy (wish I had his energy at times).

It was very hard Christmas last year, so hard we barely even celebrated it (which Christmas is one of my favorite times of the year). Yes we know what Christmas is all about and how God gave us his son so that we might have life and his promises to be unveiled! But our focus was on our son to get him better and whole and come home to us. God's promises have come true and continue to be true to us!

When life seems to get you down and you just don't think you can do it anymore (btw I know this feeling all to well) look up to God who is your provider and protector, you can't go wrong with him! That is who we looked up to on that Christmas Eve when we couldn't figure out what was going on with Zackary and we needed guidance and peace, and God came thru in a awesome way that night!!

We hope and pray that everyone has a very blessed and awesome Christmas! Not just with your family and friends but for the reason we celebrate Christmas all together! If it had not been for God sending his son to us, I don't know where I would be and I really don't want to know. I am glad to have a mighty God who knows what I need in the time of need!

Merry Christmas! And have a blessed and prosperous New Year~2012!

Hasbargen Family