Thursday, September 15, 2011

What a Year!

                          As most of you know my son was born premature.

Well he is now a healthy 17lb 10 and 1/2 month old. Soon we will be celebrating his first birthday (hard to believe).

Man, what a year! Coming upon Wayne and I's second wedding anniversary, I can't help but look back this year and feel very very blessed. Around our first year anniversary is when we discovered we were expecting our son. However, in that discovery we didn't realize all that we were gonna be going thru!

With him being in the Nicu for 3 and half months. I can definitely say we never stopped and asked God "why?" We didn't have to. We knew God had the whole situation. And boy did he ever (as I have had posted before).

When Zackary was in the Nicu, his PDA was not closing on its own. So they treated him 3 different times to get it closed (the third time finally worked). But his PFO was opened and had been opened after we came home with him!

Well, I can praise God for today's report with the cardiologist: His PFO is closed!! YAY!!! And we got released from the cardiologist as well (that felt real good). She also cleared him for his hernia surgery for next week. I'll say it again and again: GOD IS FAITHFUL.

As we come upon his first birthday (and his daddy's birthday, Zackary was born on his daddy's birthday. Only God could orchestrate that) Wayne and I can't help but reflect on the goodness of God and realize God has not forgotten us or you! He is faithful and is always there no matter the situation.

I can't help but pray over the nicu everytime I think about it, just cause there are other people going thru what we went thru and I know prayer works. The day we left TGH (Tampa General Hospital) I prayed over the room Zackary was in and asked God to be there for the next baby as he was for us!

Just remember God is a faithful God and He loves you!!!